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Parasite Cleansing & The Approach
â—¦  Why cleanse?  What are parasites?
â—¦  About the cleanses we use
â—¦  What to expect
what types
Our Approach to parasite cleansing

There are a number of ways to cleanse parasites from your body.  At Hansa.Life we have selected a very comprehensive and balanced parasite cleansing protocol - one that we have done ourselves (we don't design cleanses, we just make them easy to do!).  We chose this particular cleanse protocol for a number of very specific reasons...

  • it targets a significantly wide variety of parasites

  • it is timed around the new and full moons when parasite activity is significantly increased

  • it is maintained over a number of months until no sign of parasites remain

  • it incorporates regular intervals of cleansing and flushing  
    (to avoid buildup of parasite debris in the tissues)

  • it includes a maintenance protocol

  • it includes a handful of specifically-selected supporting supplements to maintain good gut and immune system health

  • it has modified versions for cancer, anti-viral and Lyme Disease

Why parasite cleanse?

what happens

An abundance of published medical and scientific studies have been making their way to the public after being ignored or simply invisible for many years.  These studies identify parasites/parasitic infections in the foundations of numerous common and chronic diseases plaguing western mankind, including cancer, Lyme, viral diseases and many auto-immune disorders.  Further, a number of common anti-parasitics have been shown to reduce or reverse many modern medical afflictions.


Who should cleanse?

Parasite cleansing is not necessarily a cure-all, but parasitic infections have been repeatedly discovered at the foundations of many modern diseases and auto-immune disorders - including Cancer, viruses and Lyme.  Parasites are prolific and destructive if gone unchecked, and they thrive in an environment of inflammation.  


Due to poor nutrition, acid-forming foods, elevated and chronic stress, poor sleep, poor gut health, and more, nearly everyone suffers from some level of inflammation.  For most, it is chronic and long-term, which creates the environment for thriving parasites and disease.


For this reason, it is our belief that anyone who suffers from any number of common symptoms should complete a full course of parasite cleansing (generally 6 months, but no less than 3) , see what falls away and then reassess their health situation.


Beyond that, regular parasite cleansing should be a recurrent part of any preventative health & wellness plan.

Parasites don't care where you live

   What types of cleanses are there?    

We use different protocols for:

  • Battling Cancer

  • Anti-Virus / Auto-immune diseases
  • Lyme Disease

  • Disease Prevention & General Wellness - the broadest and best approach for anyone not battling any of the above challenges.


   What products do we use?    

The products for all the protocols we use fall into 2 or 3 groups, depending upon the protocol you are following:

  • Anti-parasitics / Anti-bacterials - the two most prominent are:  Fenbendazole and Iver  mectin (we know there's a typo - it's on purpose)

  • Detox/flush products - such as Diatomaceous Earth (also kills parasites) and Psyllium Husk Powder - helps flush debris
  • Supporting Supplements - Such as probiotics, Vitamin C and Vitamin D3, among others, for building and maintaining good gut health, a strong immune system and reducing inflammation.  Also, some promote greater effectiveness of the anti-parasitics and anti-bacterials.  

   What happens in a cleanse?    


Different protocols unfold differently.  For the protocols we use at, this is roughly what you can expect...


Generally, during your cleanse you'll cycle through 3 main steps:  â€‹

  • taking an anti-parasitic

  • cleansing out parasite debris, then

  • flushing it out of the body

You'll take the anti-parasitic(s), then you'll cleanse/flush before moving on to another anti-parasitic.

You'll repeat the cycle a number of times, the total of which depends upon your specific protocol and the length of it.

Everyone's experience is different:
How you'll feel through the process will change over time and is highly dependent upon:

  • your current health

  • the health of your gut

  • the type of parasites you have
  • how prolific they are

  • your diet, and

  • your level of activity/exercise

... among other things.


Herxheimer Reaction

As parasites die off, you'll likely experience some level of Herxheimer reaction (herx). Your specific symptoms and their severity will vary over time and may be different than the symptoms of others.  Some people have very little herx, and there are things you can do to minimize them.


Common Herx Symptoms

  • fatigue

  • headache

  • flu-like symptoms

  • sore joints

  • skin flush / redness

  • itching

  • diarrhea

  • nausea members are coached on how to minimize herx symptoms.  If symptoms are severe, we'll adjust some of your dosages and slow down the process.

What exactly are parasites?

A parasite is any organism that takes metabolic advantage of another organism (host), and basically lives off the metabolism of another organism. 

Some don't have a nucleus (prokaryotes):  viruses, bacteria, and more.... and some do (eukaryotes): Fungi, Protozoa, Helminths (worms), some Arthropods (6 or 8-legged critters), and more.

Everyone has parasites and it is nothing to be freaked out about; it doesn’t make any difference how clean your environment is or how advanced your society. If you go outside or walk through the grass, or lay on the beach, or pet a dog, or eat a salad, or rub your eyes, or take an escalator, or….. anything short of living in a hermetically-sealed vacuum, you have parasites.


Parasite cleansing is not new

In many places around the world people cleanse for parasites regularly - it is a normal part of living. In the West, it was also quite typical until the very late 1800’s.  At that time, cleansing, along with Homeopathy and a plethora of natural therapies, were entirely removed from the curriculums of western medical schools.

What Can Do For You

Primarily, we provide the cleansing protocols (we did not develop them, we just make them easy to do) and product dosing calculations, as well as personal guidance, support and shopping services.  Additionally, we provide customized tools, personalized daily email reminders to make the protocol as easy to understand and manage as possible.  We also provide a personal journal to track your progress and to help identify tweaks to be made.  There's a User Forum to share stories and experiences, and learn from each other, and of course there's guidance and support through your journey.

Our "don't-think-about-a-thing" Premium Membership takes all the thinking out of it for you and offers a premium level of support to help you get through it stress free.

What You'll Need To Do

No matter which service you take advantage of, we have eliminated a good deal of the fuss and headache to follow your protocol.

Just wait for your products and support resources to arrive and then get started (products and shipping are billed separately).

All you really need to do is:


  • administer your products according to your daily schedule and product labels (which Hansa.Life provides to premium members), and

  • keep track of your experience in the daily journal.


Need more info?
Request Callback  (right now, if available)

Schedule a Complimentary Intro Call

common symptoms

   Common Symptoms of Parasitic Infections   

Abdominal pain/cramps
Acid Reflux
Allergy-related symptoms

    (runny nose, dry cough, red eyes, dermatitis, etc.)
Athlete’s foot
Autoimmune disorders
Bad breath
Bloating/gas especially after eating
Blood in stool
Body odor
Breathing problems

Bubbly gut, more than usual
Cancer – various types
Chest pain
Chronic infections
Chronic UTIs
Crohn’s disease
Difficulty concentrating
Difficulty sleeping
Distended belly

Frequent urination
(especially at night)
Hair loss
Heart disease
High blood pressure
Joint pain
Mood swings
Muscle cramps
Night sweats
Numbness in hands or feet
Restless leg syndrome
Skin rashes
Stinging or burning sensation in intestines
Teeth grinding
Ulcerative colitis
Unexplained weight loss or gain
Vertical ridges on fingernails –
lack of nutrient uptake
Vitamin deficiencies – even if taking supplements
Waking up in the night for bowel movement

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