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My Story
How I Got Here & Why I'm Doing This

... started over 20 years ago when I was visiting my parents from out of town one day, and for the first time I noticed how many medications my 70-yo father took every day - meds for diseases and meds for the meds - the big picture was a mess.  
I tend to have his physical issues and I was appalled at where I was headed, so I decided then and there that I would learn and do anything I could to head that future off at the pass.

22 years later and I dare say I have been quite successful.  My bloodwork is clean, no Diabetes or pre-Diabetes, normal blood pressure and heart rate, no signs of inflammation... and NO MEDS.

​Since that time, I have learned a LOT. 
Most notably,
I learned the importance of:

  • good gut health

  • adequate hydration w/ clean un-fluoridated water

  • complete nutrition

  • clean food / as much organic as possible
         (especially the dirty dozen and all animal-derived products)

  • good sleep in a dark room

  • good colon health

  • regular exercise, even if it's just a brisk daily walk

  • avoiding processed food, fast foods and refined sugars

  • eliminating inflammation

  • keeping carbs to a minimum


   In All Things:  Keep it Simple   

A good portion of our health issues
boils down to a simple matter of
better, cleaner 
and thorough hydration.
The best approach to any
health & wellness program

The adage Everything in moderation has been around for a very long time, and for good reason.  When most people go balls-to-the-wall in one direction or another, they ultimately wind up going too far and getting out of balance, and they're often worse off than when they started.

The human body is a miraculous machine.  Give it what it needs, minimize stress, clean it out every so often and it will basically take care of itself. 

Even though I was feeling pretty successful about firming up a healthy old age, new information about the body, cancer, chronic disease, inflammation, etc. is coming to light faster than ever before and I continue to study.  In 2019 I read the story of Joe Tippens, who, in 2015 and on the suggestion of a Veterinarian friend, reversed stage 4 Small Cell Lung Cancer using a common anti-parasitic, Fenbendazole.  Joe's story is amazing and I encourage everyone to read it.  Joe is still alive and cancer-free to this day.  Since then, the Joe Tippens' protocol has eliminated cancer in countless people who share their stories in a private Facebook group.  Although the protocol does not work for everyone, it has worked for a wide variety of cancers and for enormous numbers of people; enough people that it was worth a deeper look.

At that point, I didn't totally understand the whole parasite picture, the sweeping effects of them in our bodies and how they are finding them behind a plethora of modern diseases and auto-immune disorders, but nevertheless, as a prophylaxis, I started Joe's Protocol for three months at a time a couple times a year.  It just made sense.  Since that time I have come to learn a LOT more about parasites and the various ways to cleanse them out of the body. 

In August 2021, I came down with a life-altering, near-death case of Covid.  I was nearly unconscious for about 3 weeks, 2 weeks of which I had a significant fever.  When I "awoke," I suffered from sever respiratory congestion and elevated and erratic heart rate, among other things.  I never went to the hospital, I was unable to get my hands on HCQ, Ivermectin or Monoclonal Antibodies fast enough, and I employed a wide variety of remedies to reverse the damage.


Though I was ultimately successful, it took two more months before I had anything even remotely resembling my former lifestyle.  My lungs were finally clear and I avoided Pneumonia, but I lost perhaps 80% of my hair and my heart has not been the same since. 

Over the next year I employed a variety of therapies, including acupuncture and a course of nutritional supplements to strengthen my heart... and it has improved a great deal.  I also started three supplements for hair growth and within 8 months or so, all my hair was back, and with a vengeance.  I think I may have more than I did before.  : -)


In my research, I came across a much more comprehensive and balanced parasite cleansing protocol than Joe's  and I have done it myself - it is the set of protocols that we offer here at  I selected these protocols over Joe Tippens' for a number of reasons...

  • they target a much wider variety of parasites (a huge number)

  • they are timed around the new and full moons (when parasite activity is significantly increased)

  • they are maintained over a number of months until no sign of parasites remain

  • they incorporate regular intervals of cleansing and flushing (to avoid buildup of parasite debris in the tissues)

  • they have modified versions for cancer, anti-viral and Lyme Disease

  • they include a maintenance protocol

My personal success with this protocol has lead me to a new level of strength and energy at a core level.  I haven't felt this good since before Covid. 

The only issue with this new protocol is that it is rather complicated for some people.  My brother is a good example here:  He is the type of person who won't be bothered by details or too many steps or he'll drop it.  For instance, if a recipe has more than 3 steps, it's too complicated and he won't attempt it.  There's nothing wrong with this mindset but it makes anything like parasite cleansing pretty much impossible. 


My brother was diagnosed with stage 3 Melanoma and after everything had been removed, we started him on the comprehensive parasite cleanse.  He had a rough time with it at first, until I stepped in and started helping him keep track of his schedule, calculating his dosages and making sure he had everything he needed.  Since then, I have learned of a few friends who need the same assistance to get through it.... and a business was born. 


Ultimately, is here to help people succeed in their parasite protocol by organizing their schedule, helping with personal dosages, shopping for & custom labeling products, sending daily reminders, presenting the science and research behind a lot of it, and offering a forum where people can share and explore.

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