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SWEET Summer Deal!    15% off selected service packages for limited time - SHOP NOW
Stress-Free & Effective Parasite Cleansing
Cleanses by Goal:
Service Levels:
  • General / Disease Prevention
  • Battling Cancer
  • Battling Viruses
  • Lyme Disease
  • Auto-immune
  • Gut Challenges
  • Setup Only
  • Setup w/ Shopping
  • Tools Only
  • Shopping Only
  • Support Only
  • Premium Membership
  • learn more

an assistance & support service for people who... ​​

  • don't know where to start

  • need answers to basic questions

  • want to eliminate the stress of parasite cleansing

  • are overwhelmed by, or simply don't want to manage the details and organizing required to get started and get it done, easily.

how we simplify things  >> 

someone who wants to do a parasite cleanse for...
  • general wellness / prevention
  • cancer
  • anti-virus defense
  • combatting Lyme Disease 
  • auto-immune challenges
  • inflammation
WHAT WE OFFER - Stress-free Parasite Cleansing Assistance & Support

Whether you just want a personal shopper or personal support, or you're looking for a don't-think-about-a-thing premium membership, or something in between, there's something for everyone... 

Single Services:  Setup-Only Package, Personal Shopper and Personal Support
Online Organization & Reminder Tools Only:  Automatic daily reminder emails, daily calendar, monthly calendar and more.
Monthly Membership:  We guide and support you through the process from beginning to end, help you select the right cleanse, shop for and deliver your products, send daily reminders of what you need to do, offer personal support for your questions and so much more.
  • Custom daily calendar to keep track of your daily protocol & schedule
  • Daily email reminders with your schedule for the day (text messages coming soon)
  • Kickoff Call to discuss your goals/expectations, plan your protocol, answer questions
  • Personal shopper -  just what you need and the right amount of it will arrive automatically
  • Personal dosages
  • Easy-to-follow custom product labeling 
  • 3 methods of personal support: online chat, text & phone 
  • Periodic "heads up" emails telling you when the schedule is about to change
  • Custom monthly calendar to see a broader view
  • Personal online journal to track your results 
  • Community forum for learning and sharing w/ others
  • Learning center w/ pertinent research, medical studies and articles



Need more info?
Request Callback  (right now, if available)

Schedule a Complimentary Intro Call

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